I don't post much here because I stopped fooling around with Arduino about the time this SE was getting off the ground, so I posted my first question today. And a user with lots of rep answered it, then an hour later made a snarky comment (but obviously obvious), and at some point unilaterally closed the question (aka "put on hold"), presumably because he received a downvote from someone, possibly thinking it was from me (making this retaliation).
Not sure how things work here on this SE, but that sounds like shenanigans in general, as well as on other SEs.
Interestingly (randomly?), the 4th suggested question was a congratulations to the user to reach a milestone reputation.
It's obvious from his terse messages/comments/replies that he doesn't like to explain himself, making a point to be as succinct as possible, even to the detriment of communication.
Is there something actually wrong with this question, are shenanigans afoot, or is something else going on here? There were several other similar types questions offered in the suggested questions dialog as I wrote the question, and it should be relatively easy for proponents of this new feature to enumerate some of the benefits of it.