This post on Suggest me some good seller for Arduino UNO HAS to be a troll. Asked by a new user, responded by three people, all very low reputation.
What's the best "flag" to set?
I was going to choose spam, but they're not selling anything, although the answers provided very well might. So I chose opinion based answers.
I personally don't mind opinion based stuff, although it's not in line with StackExchange generally, the question (if asked via google) would yield hundreds of websites and ebay auctions to see the stuff...
Likewise for questions that don't show enough research, which is a pet peeve of mine, I would prefer a better mechanism than closing the question for low quality or lack of research. I'd much prefer the question be hidden from view and the author given 24 hours to rewrite/edit it to meet a better standard.
I realise that last point is beyond the scope of here, but what IS the best action for questions that show a complete lack of research, knowledge or personal examples of what they've done to try and resolve it?